《想有个家》 To have a Home
Solo Exhibition
Organised & Supported by Esplanade, Theatres on the Bay, Singapore
@ Concourse, Esplanade, Singapore
Cast Resin and Paint
14 July - 11 November 2018
In recent years, there has been growing awareness of Singapore's stray animal population and concerns for the way the animals are treated. Concerted nationwide efforts by the authorities, veterinarians and animal welfare groups have led to the implementation of programmes that manage the population in more compassionate and sustainable ways. This has resulted in a higher incidence of sterilised animals being rehomed or adopted. This spirited installation presents a group of cats and dogs that have found their way to the Esplanade Concourse, searching for a home to belong to. The scene is created with 120 fiberglass sculptures. Inspired by the new developments in animal welfare, the artist invites the public to contemplate the individual's agency in shaping the future of the stray animals that wander our streets.
An iteration of this installation, In the Affairs of Cats and Dogs, the Government's involved and So Shall We, was presented at Esplanade in 2012.

Artist with Cats and Dogs

Primary School Students Interviewing Artist
《驰骋万里》 Gallop to Great Distance
Solo exhibition in conjunction with National Day Celebrations 2014, "Being Home".
Organised & Supported by Esplanade, Theatres on the Bay, Singapore
@ Concourse, Esplanade, Singapore
Upcycled Grapevine Branches
4 July - 28 September 2014
There's an idiom that empowers the arts: "Gallop to great distance and to develop one's talent and ability freely." Chua looks into the expansion of this idiom, particularly so, that this year continues to be the Year of the Horse. The horse is a symbol for speed, vitality and beauty. This installation of 9 horses captured in different poises, symbolises swift developments of our Nation and People, resilient and strong, in our 49th year of independence. The use of grapevines allows the freedom and flexibility to create the horses in a similar application when working with calligraphy.

In the Affair of Cats & Dogs, the Government’s involved and So Shall We
Solo Exhibition - An art installation in commemorating Esplanade's 10th Anniversary.
Organised & Supported by Esplanade, Theatres on the Bay, Singapore
@ Concourse, Esplanade, Singapore
Cast Resin and Paint
11 October 2012 - 1 January 2013
In a light-hearted anecdote to encourage Singaporeans to be more proactive, the Prime Minister in his National Day Rally speech last year said that ministers should not be doing everything, including culling cats and saving dogs. Chua playfully recalls this notion by initiating a movement, via an installation, which targets to promote the proactive spirit in the community. Working around the theme of animal welfare, the artist hopes to create awareness of pet abandonment and the growing stray population.

Army of Cats

Army of Dogs

Newspaper Clip

Newspaper Clip
《开心家庭》 Happy Family of Five
Exhibition in conjunction with National Day Celebrations 2012 and Moonfest at Esplanade.
Organised & Supported by Esplanade, Theatres on the Bay, Singapore
@ Forecourt, Esplanade, Singapore
Forged Copper
Exhibition Period : 21 July 2012 - 2 January 2013
Permanently installed at the Forecourt Garden after the exhibition period.
This piece captures the excitement of a family as they approach the Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay. The little boy marvels at the sight of the unique, ‘durian-like’ facade of the building and brings it to the attention of his family. Commissioned in conjunction with Esplanade's 10th Anniversary celebrations in 2012, the Happy Family of Five stands in the centre's Forecourt Garden, a place for families and friends to gather and enjoy a relaxing environment and wonderful views of the city. Kindly donated by Keppel Corporation Limited.

Exhibition Period

Exhibition Period

Exhibition Period

Permanently Installed

Permanently Installed at Forecourt Garden

Permanently Installed at Forecourt Garden
A Solo Tour - Small Sculptures by Chua Boon Kee (Singapore)
Solo exhibition showcasing 37 pieces of Chinese Calligraphy Sculptures
Organised by Sunjin Galleries (S) Pte Ltd
@ Social Creatives Museum, Millenia Walk, Singapore
30 May - 6 June 2012

Opening Day

Opening Day

Opening Day

Opening Day

Opening Day

Opening Day

《淑女》 Fairlady . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《笔墨纸砚》 Four Treasures of the Study . Forged Stainless Steel . 2009

《和平》 Peace (version 2) . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《佛》 Buddha . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《太极》 Taichi . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《吉》 Luck . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《龙》 Dragon . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《和平》 Peace (non-calligraphy version) . Black Granite . 2005

《禅》 Zen . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《茶》 Tea . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《酒》 Wine . Forged Stainless Steel . 2010

《真》 Genuine . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《好》 Good (version 2) . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《思古》 Reminiscence . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《心》 Heart (large size) . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《心》 Heart (medium size) . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《寺》 Temple . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《壶》 Teapot . Forged Stainless Steel . 201

《北京》 Beijing . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《舞》 Dance . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《家》 Home (version 2) . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《能》 Competent . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《春》 Spring . Forged Stainless Steel & Copper . 2008

《优胜》 Champion . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007
A Solo Tour - Small Sculptures by Chua Boon Kee (Taiwan)
Solo exhibition showcasing 25 pieces of Chinese Calligraphy Sculptures
Organised by BenQ Foundation
@ BenQ International Sculpture Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan
16 - 30 November 2011

《太极》 Taichi . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《酒》 Wine . Forged Stainless Steel . 2010

《北京》 Beijing . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《茶》 Tea . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《壶》 Teapot . Forged Stainless Steel . 2011

《心》 Heart . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《近》 Close . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006
A Solo Tour - Small Sculptures by Chua Boon Kee (Shanghai)
Solo exhibition showcasing 25 pieces of Chinese Calligraphy Sculptures
@ Shanghai Arts and Crafts Association, Shanghai, China
25 - 30 October 2011

"The Auspicious Series" Chinese Calligraphy Sculpture Show
Solo exhibition showcasing 《福禄寿禧》, The Auspicious Series
Chinese Calligraphy Sculpture Series
Organised by Metakaos Pte Ltd & Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa
@ Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa, Singapore
January - February 2011

《春晓》 Spring Coming
Solo Exhibition
Chinese Calligraphy Sculpture Series
Organised & Supported by Esplanade, Theatres on the Bay, Singapore
@ Concourse, Esplanade, Singapore
Upcycled Grapevine Branches
January - February 2009
Twisting, intertwining and layering lines and strokes, the artist transforms the 2-dimensional Chinese cursive characters into 3-dimensional sculptural form, reinterpreting the traditional with a contemporary treatment. Signifying the arrival of spring, the words hang suspended from the ceiling as fitting welcome for patrons during the festive season.


In Progress

In Progress

In Progress
Sentosa Flowers Event 2008
Solo exhibition featuring 8 Chinese Calligraphy sculptures
in conjunction with the Sentosa Flowers Event
Chinese Calligraphy Sculpture Series
Supported by Sentosa Leisure Group, Singapore
@ Imbiah Lookout, Sentosa, Singapore
7 - 17 February 2008

《鼠》 Rat . Forged Stainless Steel . 2008

《好》 Good (version 2) . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《恩惠》 Gratitude . Forged Stainless Steel . 2005

《优雅》 Elegant . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《舞》 Dance . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《心》 Heart . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《春》 Spring . Forged Stainless Steel & Copper . 2008

《福》 Fortune . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006
One Singapore Artist 2007
Solo Exhibition
Chinese Calligraphy Sculpture Series
Organised by Sculpture Square Limited
Supported by National Arts Council Singapore
@ Sculpture Square, Chapel Gallery, Singapore
12 February - 11 March 2007

Opening Day

Opening Day

《心》 Heart . Forged Stainless Steel . 2007

《合作》 Collaboration . Mildsteel . 2000

《好》 Good (version 2) . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《笔》 Brush . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《墨》 Ink . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《纸》Paper . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《砚》 Ink Slab . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《欣欣向荣》 Flourish . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《风水》Geomancy . Epoxy Mortar . 2003

《国》 Nation . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《曲》 Melody . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《好》 Good (version 1) . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《嫁》 Marry . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《天马行空》 Unrestrained . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《龙》 Dragon . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《优雅》 Elegant . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《恩惠》 Gratitude . Bronze . 2005

《舞》 Dance . Forged Stainless Steel . 2006

《和平》 Peace . Forged Stainless Steel . 2005

SA - Singapore Art . Stainless Steel . 1990

《突破》 Breakthrough . Stainless Steel . 2005

《和平》 Peace . Black Granite . 2005

《镜中人》 The Person in the Mirror . Stainless Steel . 2005

《博爱》 Universal Love . White Marble / Forged Stainless Steel . 2005

School Excursion

School Excursion


《欣欣向荣》 Flourish
Solo exhibition in conjunction with the Sentosa Flowers Event 2006
Abstract Metal Sculpture Series
Organised by Sentosa Leisure Group, Singapore
@ Sentosa Ferry Terminal, Singapore
Mildsteel & Paint
29 January - 5 February 2006
The steel rods in the sculpture resemble fast growing vine plants climbing towards the skies with gorgeous flowers blooming at the tips. This signifies vigorous growth, success and prosperity. This installation, together with the colourful fresh blooms, illustrates a flourishing, blossoming New Year ahead!

@ Former Sentosa Ferry Terminal

In Progress

In Progress
To Catch the Wind
First Solo Exhibition
Chinese Calligraphy Sculpture Series
Organised by Utterly Art LLP
Sponsored by National Arts Council Singapore
Supported by Sculpture Society (Singapore)
@ Utterly Art Exhibition Space, Singapore
5 - 16 May 2004

Opening Day

Opening Day

《家》 Home (version 1) . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《国》 Nation (version 1) . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《思古》 Reminiscence . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《福》 Fortune (version 1) . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《寿》Longevity . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《恩》 Kindness . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《嫁》 Marry . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《曲》 Melody . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《好》 Good (version 1) . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《和》 Harmony (version 1) . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《和》 Harmony (version 2) . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《欣欣向荣》 Flourish . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《笔墨纸砚》 Four Treasures of the Study . Epoxy Mortar . 2004

《天马行空》 Unrestrained . Epoxy Mortar . 2004


Newspaper Clip